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Entrepreneurship and Love – What We Can Learn from the Media Takeout CEO, Fred and Notoya’s Love Story

Entrepreneurship can add another layer to a relationship. The demands of running a business and being responsible for bringing in revenue for your business and employees can add additional pressure when your workday doesn’t end like the usual 9-5 job role.  However, entrepreneurship has its rewards too. Being enmeshed in doing something in which you are passionate, or being able to create your legacy with your trademark on your business endeavors can’t be understated or underrated. There is pride in establishing and forging your pathway independently. It takes lots of grit, determination, and doggedness, but we’ve seen over and over again with innovative businesses that it’s possible. 
Fred and Notoya, the founders of MediaTakeout, the urban version of TMZ have a unique story. They ran various businesses in the past and used these learnings to build additional success by carving out a voice for people of color in the entertainment space. They have worked hard to grow their business empire while also building their relationship with one another too. They have been together for 20+ years. Having a family, which includes their triplets, has continued to impact how they approach the legacy they are building for themselves and their family.  
If you are an entrepreneur, you will enjoy their story, their advice to building your empire, and how to keep your relationship on track during the journey. K & I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing these two, and I think you will enjoy the show as well. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Please also remember to subscribe to future episodes of Bedtalks on the Anchor App, iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Spotify. Until next time, XoXo.

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