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How to Navigate The Holidays Paired (Single) or Pairless (In a Relationship)

Hey, Y’all!

Welcome back to a new episode of Bedtalks. We’ve been on a bit of a hiatus, but we are back!

The holidays are upon us. And this time of year can bring about many feelings for a myriad of reasons.

It can be a difficult time of the year to navigate whether you are single or in a relationship. Feelings of loneliness, feeling overextended by your many responsibilities, and figuring out how to get in quality time with one another if you are in a relationship are some of the more common challenges.

Listen in as K and I discuss some tips we’ve found that are helpful to make sure you make the most of the upcoming holidays. Tune in and also feel free to share with us what you do to make the most of the holidays!

Until next time, XoXo

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