Stop Validating Your Feelings for the Wrong One

Why Validate for Someone who Invalidates You

It’s hard when you are in love and you are constantly trying to validate your feelings for someone who won’t be definitive or specific with you about their feelings for you.

When this happens, you question yourself and your worth because when you are in a relationship like this where the emotions and energy are one-sided, it is a constant roller coaster of ups and downs.

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What George Lucas and Star Wars Teach Us about Relationships

Charlie Rose, one of my favorite news anchors, recently interviewed George Lucas. I found it fascinating because I think Lucas set the bar with the level of creativity he brought to the Star Wars franchise.

When George Lucas started talking about relationships, however, this really piqued my interest. His views on the subject of breaking up got me thinking.

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Ten Rules for Dating Smart

The dating scene continues to evolve with online dating, dating apps, texting, and other technology. Many aspects of dating have stayed the same, yet with all the new options available now, confusion can set in. Have all the old dating rules changed? Is there a right way and a wrong way to use the technology for dating? Can you really utilize modern technology to meet the right person for you?

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The Professional Woman’s Guide to Dating

Being a professional woman in the dating scene can be tough. When you are attractive, intelligent, and a career woman, this adds complexity to the process of dating men. Here’s why.

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Stop Waiting for Permission

Stop Waiting for Permission to Change

She wasn’t always successful. For years, Ava was not given the opportunity to direct the kind of movies she was interested in and few people knew about her work. She decided that if she wanted to direct the type of movies she was passionate about, she had to focus, make sacrifices, and create the content herself.

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to End a Relationship?

While in a relationship, you might find yourself contemplating whether or not you should end it. It is normal to have second thoughts. However, if you find yourself dwelling on the idea of moving on, you might want to take such thoughts seriously. In fact, it might just be time to let go.

But how do you know for sure it’s time?

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The 3 Most Common Relationship Mistakes

I was recently watching a TV show with a couple experiencing the infancy stage of their relationship. You may know how that feels because you have probably been there. This is the time period in which everything is going well, you are in tune with your partner, and you both are affectionate and loving.

The beginning of a relationship is generally the best part of any relationship. You cannot wait to see the other person. You are both being communicative and willing to settle disagreements quickly. But, in the back of your mind, you may be thinking to yourself this is just too good to be true.

This is when things can get cagey and you may start to self-sabotage your relationship. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening.

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