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Codependency Explained – 3 Signs ft. Elizabeth Overstreet and Mark Rosenfeld

Recently, I had an interview and discussion with Mark Rosenfeld, a Relationship Expert, about the topic of codependency. It’s one of the dating and relationship advice questions Mark and I are asked about often.

We wanted to simplify codependency, explain codependency and help people wrap their heads around this important, but often misunderstood concept. This topic struck a nerve and started a lot of discussion amongst my followers across my social media. I am intrigued about the topic and I think it’s always important to provide additional explanation and context especially around a topic like this one.

Codependency is defined as a behavioral condition in a relationship where one person enables another person’s addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under-achievement. Among the core characteristics of codependency is an excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity.

You have probably heard of how codependence can exist when someone enables another person who may suffer from what’s stated above. But, another aspect of codependency, which is often not discussed, or overlooked is the one that can surface and exist in relationships too.

There is healthy codependency, which can exist in which partners trust and lean into one another for support, love, and encouragement. However, anything done in an extreme method is unhealthy. So, for example, if someone is excessively relying on someone else for approval, confidence, and to build their own self-esteem, this is unhealthy codependent behavior.

There is natural movement and growth of a relationship, especially as you progress through the different stages. Having a lasting and healthy relationship really comes down to understanding the difference between true love and toxic co-dependency, and it’s why Mark and I thought it was important to talk about the 3 signs to know if it’s true love – or toxic co-dependency that you have in your relationship.

After watching this video, “How To Know If It’s True Love – Or Toxic Co-dependency! 3 Signs,”  you’ll have a better understanding of what co-dependency is and the signs of a toxic relationship. My goal is always to empower you and help you have a healthy relationship and I hope this advice is helpful.

And as always, I like to hear what you’re thinking too. Share your comments and feedback and if you have a specific question to ask me, submit your question on my website under, “Contact Me, Submit Questions.”

Until next time, XoXo


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