New book now available! - Love Can Be Messy But You Don't Have To Be

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Life has given all of us a sense of twists and turns over the past year.

We survived a pandemic, after all, shifting the way you and I approach life, making us rethink and realize what was truly important. Through this pandemic, for some of us, there were losses, restarts, gains, and awakenings that perhaps we had avoided or thought we had dodged.

Life is funny in that way. There is a season for learning, growing, discomfort, and triumph. But, rarely, do they arrive in the order we like. However, on the other end of those tests, trials, and tribulations, there are ripple effects that can create the pathway and mapping of you doing exactly what you were destined to do!

I don’t know about you. But, in this season of gratitude, I am feeling grateful for so many things. Though last year was a year of love, loss of loved ones (three people who were significant to shaping who I am today), ups and downs with my business, I learned so much along the way. I learned to appreciate downtime. I’m learning how to listen to my intuition. I’m realizing how important my faith and family are in my life. But, I’m also learning that the pathway to self-love and self-discovery is one in which the benefits of self-investment are plentiful.

Thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you. Thank you for taking me on your journey too! I feel so fortunate to have a supportive and loving community. My mom would always tell me, that everyone has a tribe, and you just have to find yours. And I feel that I am fortunate to have found each of you! Thank you for your unending support, sharing your stories and challenges with me, bringing me humor, and just being YOU!

As a gesture, I’m offering Relationship Coaching sessions where you can BOGO. That’s right if you decide to sign up for a coaching session, I am so confident that you will find it beneficial, that I will provide another coaching session for free. Here’s a link if you are interested in booking a session or gifting one for a friend/family member.

Here’s the link to sign up for a Relationship Coaching Session. This deal will be in effect until midnight on November 29th.

Enjoy the holidays and remember to remind yourself of those things for which you are grateful in your life. You’ll be surprised at how much is going right in your life.

Until next time,


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