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Bedtalks Episode 66: The Journey to Building A Stronger Marriage: An Interview with Trey and Lea

Meet Trey and Lea. They have been married for over 30 years and have so many nuggets and pearls of wisdom to build a stronger marriage. They are marriage coaches, authors, and speakers and help 1,000’s of couples yearly via their Stronger Marriage Workshops all over the US. 

K and I were thrilled to host them on our recent Bedtalks Podcast. The information they shared about their own journey, what has kept them connected for over 30 years, and the tenets they feel are essential to building a healthy strong marriage are ones with which couples should familiarize themselves.

Strong marriages are built and developed continually and Trey and Lea touch on an important ingredient that is bigger than your relationship during this interview. Listen in to this podcast and let me know what you think. And please remember to subscribe to future episodes of the Bedtalks podcast on the Anchor App, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, among the many other platforms.

Until next time,


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