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Bedtalks Episode 67: The Art of Dating – Doing it Right, An Interview with Jennifer Hurvitz

Hey Y’All
We’re back with another episode of Bedtalks.
There is a wrong way and a right way to date. And sometimes you have to bring in the experts to help you get it right. Enter, Jennifer Hurvitz, Dating Expert and Founder of Doing Relationships Right. As someone who has been married, divorced, and now in a happy relationship and also as a Certified Divorce Coach who has successfully coached many others, been featured on, Forbes, and written the books, “woulda.coulda.shoulda, A Divorce Coach’s Guide to Staying Married” and “One Happy Divorce, Cut the Bullsh*t” Jennifer knows many things that make for a rewarding dating experience versus one that can take you in circles.  
She shares her perspectives on:

-Why you need to get your head out of your apps
-When and how to commit vs. ending a commitment to someone
-Do you really need to blend your families? 
-Why juggling may not work if you’re looking to connect to the right partner

And so much more is explored as we leave no rock unturned during this discussion. 
Listen in and please remember to subscribe to future episodes of the Bedtalks podcast on the Anchor app, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and other platforms.
Until next time,


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