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Bedtalks Episode 81: Love Shouldn’t Hurt – An Interview with Bill Mitchell

Love should never hurt. But sadly, in some relationships, it does. “One in three US women have experienced physical violence or rape by a partner – devastating numbers that no one should ever suffer through. Unfortunately, domestic abuse happens all too often to women and men. We wanted to have a show in which we talked about this topic candidly, frankly, and openly. On this show, K & I speak with Bill Mitchell, who shares his personal experience of losing his daughter to domestic abuse. 

The journey has been gut-wrenching for him, but he hopes to change how we view, support, and educate on domestic abuse. Bill also hosts his own podcast show, “When Dating Hurts.” And he also wrote a book titled, “When Dating Hurts.”  Bill candidly shares what he learned about domestic abuse, what this journey has been like for him, and how he wants to help empower others. Let’s break the cycle & create safe, loving relationships. 

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship and you’re struggling to figure out what to do next, this show will help you with the following:

  • The signs to know if someone may be in an abusive relationship
  • How to support someone who is in an abusive relationship
  • How to exit an abusive relationship
  • What resources of support are out there for those who have been abused or who are in abusive relationships

Listen in and let us know what you think. Please remember to subscribe to future episodes of the Bedtalks podcast via the Anchor App, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and many other platforms.

Until next time,


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