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Bottoms Up; Hitting Rock Bottom and How to Come Out on Top – An Interview with Ann Bernard

“Struggle allows us to grow.” This is one of many of Ann’s mottos for living an enriched life. Ann Bernard, the founder of #365 Firsts Challenges is an Author, Coach, Speaker, and Podcaster. Ann, a veteran, CEO, is all about inspiring us to get outside of our comfort zone. She founded the initiative #365 First. While you may have a bucket list, Ann has created an initiative that helps others to live for today. Faith, effort, and tenacity have helped her to grow personally and help many others do the same. She shares her journey of hitting rock bottom and how she has come out on top. If you are trying to overcome your fears of doing something you have been putting off, or if you are feeling like your situation is helpless or just looking for some motivation, this podcast is for you. Learn how you can hack the process of going from the bottom to the top. Listen in and please remember to subscribe to future episodes of Bedtalks on the Anchor App, iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Until next time, XoXo.

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