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Dr. Taylor, a Celebrity Coach, Teaches Important Life Lessons on Surthrival vs. Survival

We recorded this podcast close to the end of last year. Meet Dr. Pervis Taylor, a Celebrity Coach, whose mantra to you is “Be Amazing!” Dr. Taylor doesn’t just preach about this mantra to others, but breaks down why when you allow trauma to become your identity this is surviving and thriving. He teaches how to surthrive instead.

Dr. Taylor has been a Coaching and Wellness Advocate for over 10 years. Celebrities seek him out and he has a special affinity for men to learn how to channel their anger and indifference in a healthy way.
Some of the highlights of this interview include:

Mark 2:20 – Meet Dr. Taylor
Mark 3:15 – How to Not Allow Trauma to Become Your Identity
Mark 4:47 What is the difference between anger and indifference? And Why We Often Feel More Comfortable with Expressing Anger?
Mark 8:15 – The Importance of Introspection and Mental Health Management
Mark 12:40 – Why Being the Victim is Romanticized
Mark 16:25 – How to Empower Yourself and Break Free of Self-Limiting Beliefs
Mark 19:30 – Why Success Can Be A Trauma Response? Learning from Quincy Jones, Mariah Carey, and Oprah Winfrey.
Mark 21:00 – Learn How to Manage Your Self-Narrative
Mark 23:00 – Defining Surthrival
Mark 28:00 – Emotional Regulation
Mark 31:02- Why Oprah Winfrey is Successful
Mark 34:00 – The Power of Vulnerability

This is a powerful and emotionally charged discussion. You will leave it feeling different and understanding more about what you need to be to become more of what you need and want to be happier, healthier and empowered. Listen in and share your comments with me.

Please remember to subscribe to future episodes of the Bedtalks Podcast on the Anchor App, Itunes, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Until next time, XoXo

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