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Managing Life’s Changes – How to Make a Stylish Exit – An Interview with Nicole Richmond

Managing Life’s Changes can be difficult. Here is where Nicole Richmond of Making A Stylish Exit can help you out. Nicole has the perfect story of survival and resilience to help you think about taking that leap of faith to the next thing but are feeling stuck or in paralysis analysis.

You made it through. You are here. 2020 likely brought you some significant growth personally, spiritually, and mentally. What started as a quiet year went in a completely different direction with a pandemic, political upheaval, strong racial tensions, increased violence, and so much more. Some of you may have lost loved ones due to COVID or natural causes. Some of you may have had to carve out a new career path. Others may have found the last year to be a reboot of sorts to clarify what matters in life.

The Ups and Downs of 2020

Personally, 2020 was the highest of highs and the lowest of lows for me. I married my husband in a perfectly intimate COVID ceremony. But, I also lost one of my favorite uncles and my mother, whose imprint on my life I can’t describe as she was my best friend and closest confident. Her loss leaves a constant ache and a missing piece in my heart.

Like you, I’m taking one day at a time, trying to stay optimistic. But with a new year comes an opportunity for change, renewal, and growth. And that is a positive thing. I’m digging deeper into my spirituality, purpose and just trying to continue to figure out this thing called life.

One thing which can help you through any challenge is knowing that you are not alone and learning how someone has overcome a similar challenge. So I thought it would be motivating to kick-off the new year with a story of survival, intention, and resilience.

A Story To Help You Manage Major Life Changes

Meet Nicole Richmond of Making A Stylish Exit. You will relate to Nicole’s story if you have ever had to make a difficult decision that would dramatically change everything in your life. It’s a new year, and for many, you may be contemplating your relationships with your significant other or making a change in your life that will take you in a completely different direction. If you fear a significant change you know you need to make, I think this podcast interview will help give you the courage to forge ahead.

Please share your story of resilience in the comments and what it has meant for you, your life, family, etc.

Remember to subscribe to future episodes of the Bedtalks podcast on the Anchor App, iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

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Until next time,


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