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Is Our Marriage Broken?

Whether you are single or married, you may have contemplated this question when you hit that roadblock in your relationship with someone that you love …

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What George Lucas and Star Wars Teach Us about Relationships

Charlie Rose, one of my favorite news anchors, recently interviewed George Lucas. I found it fascinating because I think Lucas set the bar with the level of creativity he brought to the Star Wars franchise.

When George Lucas started talking about relationships, however, this really piqued my interest. His views on the subject of breaking up got me thinking.

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to End a Relationship?

While in a relationship, you might find yourself contemplating whether or not you should end it. It is normal to have second thoughts. However, if you find yourself dwelling on the idea of moving on, you might want to take such thoughts seriously. In fact, it might just be time to let go.

But how do you know for sure it’s time?

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