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Let’s Talk About Love

How do you attract who you want into your life? How do you know if you are in a healthy relationship? Why is love so …

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5 Major Turn Offs for Women

Originally published on Jet Magazine There is nothing more of a turn on for a woman than a man who knows how to push her …

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In Relationships: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Too often, people will tell you what they think you want to hear. But if you look closely, you may see their actions do not match their words. Whenever this happens, pay attention to their behaviors, not the words that are being spoken.

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to Let Go of a Relationship


James M. Sama, a Life Coach, nails it in this quote. Let’s face it and acknowledge the obvious. Love can be complicated. Sometimes you love someone so much you put all of your energy, effort, and being into trying to make it work. Even when you need to move on, for some reason you hang in there and hope that if you keep trying and giving it your all with this person it will change things.

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The 3 Most Common Relationship Mistakes

I was recently watching a TV show with a couple experiencing the infancy stage of their relationship. You may know how that feels because you have probably been there. This is the time period in which everything is going well, you are in tune with your partner, and you both are affectionate and loving.

The beginning of a relationship is generally the best part of any relationship. You cannot wait to see the other person. You are both being communicative and willing to settle disagreements quickly. But, in the back of your mind, you may be thinking to yourself this is just too good to be true.

This is when things can get cagey and you may start to self-sabotage your relationship. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening.

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3 Reasons Why Self-Love Is Important

As a relationship coach, people often ask me why they are having a difficult time attracting the right people into their lives. They lament the …

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