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Falling in Love…With Yourself

It took me a long time to understand my worth and figure out my value. This was because I would look to others to validate my worth. What a mistake!

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to Let Go of a Relationship


James M. Sama, a Life Coach, nails it in this quote. Let’s face it and acknowledge the obvious. Love can be complicated. Sometimes you love someone so much you put all of your energy, effort, and being into trying to make it work. Even when you need to move on, for some reason you hang in there and hope that if you keep trying and giving it your all with this person it will change things.

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to End a Relationship?

While in a relationship, you might find yourself contemplating whether or not you should end it. It is normal to have second thoughts. However, if you find yourself dwelling on the idea of moving on, you might want to take such thoughts seriously. In fact, it might just be time to let go.

But how do you know for sure it’s time?

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Divorce Selfies: The New Way to Breaking Up  

divorce-selfies              Photo Credit: Zliving

 Divorce selfies are trending on Twitter and Instagram under the hashtag #divorceselfies. This is an interesting phenomenon involving people who wish to publicize their divorce. They typically post a happy picture of themselves as a couple following the finalization of the divorce. Many acknowledge how glad they are to have had the relationship, but speak of accepting that the relationship did not work out. This is a sign of couples opting to bow out gracefully during the process of divorce.

 This is a new trend in divorce. Gone is the acrimony, the fights, the anger and bad blood. Instead, many couples are admitting that the relationship did not work for them, choosing instead to end things on good terms. They are celebrating the good that happened in the relationship, honoring the marriage experience, and moving on to friendship or even to working together to co-parent post marriage.

Not that long ago, there was a stigma attached to being divorced. You were odd man or woman out if you were a single parent. People felt ashamed when a marriage ended up in divorce. This new trend is a completely different way to look at a failed marriage. In fact, the progression marks a significant social change.

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What Can We Learn from Brad and Angelina?

A recent interview with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie indicated several impressive aspects of their relationship. I wasn’t surprised. But many people might be. After all, the general public has a range of reactions to the two superstar celebrities.

If you polled people about Brad and Angelina’s marriage and how they feel about the couple, responses would be polarized. Some find their relationship romantic and inspirational. But many people cling to opinions from the past. They think Brad was stolen away from Jennifer Aniston, to whom he was married when he fell for Angelina. They may claim Angelina was a home-wrecker who broke up Brad’s marriage.

I beg to differ. I believe the truth lies somewhere in between and what we did not see is more important than what was told to us via tabloids, gossip, and third person accounts.

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As we get into the political season yet again, the pundits take aim at single parents, blaming us for increased crime, drug abuse, incarceration, poor parenting, poverty, and pretty much everything else under the sun.

As a single parent who raised a good, successful child, I get incensed just listening to the rhetoric. I am tired of the blame shifted to single moms for all of these ills. After all, it takes two to consummate a relationship and have a child.

If there are single moms, there are single dads too. So why isn’t the turmoil seen as a joint responsibility instead of all the blame being focused on one parent? Why don’t the pundits ever acknowledge the fact that single parents have certain advantages that two parent homes don’t? Why aren’t we helping those single parents struggling to raise their kids by providing them with what they need for raising a successful child?

In order to open up a dialogue about the topic, I want to dispel the myths.

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Should You Stay Married for the Sake of the Kids?

Healthy Couples to Model

Relationships tend to be great in the beginning. Getting along is usually a lot easier when you first get together with someone. After all, there are less dynamics to deal with when you only have two people in a relationship. However, as relationships mature, more responsibilities are added and a couple becomes a family. This expands the number of challenges you have to face, changing the dynamics of the relationship.

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