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5 Things You Can Learn From Charlie Sheen’s HIV Status

Charlie Sheen People Com Image Photo Credit

The Stigma of STD’s

Whenever a celebrity reveals that he or she has a sexually transmitted disease (STD) known referenced as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), the media explodes with the “news.” Then most of us talk about it. How could this have happened to a rich, successful icon? Did he do something to deserve the affliction? Why did he fail to prevent it?

Charlie Sheen is not the first celebrity to admit to test positive for HIV status. Nor will he be the last. And while his lifestyle placed him at a higher risk, this was not necessarily the direct indicator or predictor for contracting a STI. However, Sheen’s diagnosis is a reminder that sexually transmitted diseases do not discriminate based on age, gender, or socioeconomic status. No matter who you are, if you do not make a conscious decision to have safer sex, the results can be life changing.

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The Khloe Kardashian Dilemma: Forgive or Move On?


Photo Credit – US Magazine

Reality versus Reality

I am not a big reality show fan, but I have to admit it is brave to put your yourself and your life out there for the world to see, vulnerabilities and all. This makes it that much more interesting for me as I watch the current drama between Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian unfold. Will they give love another chance? Should they?

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Unlucky in Love?

Do you feel stuck, frustrated, Unlucky in Love?

Do you feel stuck, frustrated, and at a loss when it comes to dating? Does it seem like you can never seem to find, then cultivate the right relationship for you? One that makes you happy, one that lasts?
Don’t despair. You’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to I’m Elizabeth Overstreet and I am a relationship investigator. I’m here to help you on your journey to finding and maintaining a healthy, happy relationship.

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3 Reasons Why Self-Love Is Important

As a relationship coach, people often ask me why they are having a difficult time attracting the right people into their lives. They lament the …

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