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If you want love ladies, here’s what NOT to do… Originally published on Jet Magazine. OK, ladies, it’s your turn. Recently we wrote an article …

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How Important is Marriage… Really?

An expert examines the importance of marriage in modern relationships… Originally published on Jet Magazine There has been an interesting trend developing in China concerning …

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5 Rules of Relationship Self-Care

Originally published in Jet Magazine I’m sure you can relate, but I use to let things build to a crescendo. Work stress, taking care of …

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Is Infidelity the End of a Relationship?

Originally published in Jet Magazine

It use to be a time when infidelity was a deal breaker. After all, no one goes into a marriage with the goal of being unfaithful. But it appears as if times have changed.

Although we marry with the intent of monogamy, infidelity can happen even when couples are well-suited for one another. But how do you know whether to throw in the towel or forgive your spouse for an indiscretion?

If I asked 10 couples how they would react if their significant other cheated on them, their responses would vary. Some couples hold traditional values, while other couples are more liberal as to what they define as cheating. Most couples want to avoid infidelity, but relationship needs shift.

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As we get into the political season yet again, the pundits take aim at single parents, blaming us for increased crime, drug abuse, incarceration, poor parenting, poverty, and pretty much everything else under the sun.

As a single parent who raised a good, successful child, I get incensed just listening to the rhetoric. I am tired of the blame shifted to single moms for all of these ills. After all, it takes two to consummate a relationship and have a child.

If there are single moms, there are single dads too. So why isn’t the turmoil seen as a joint responsibility instead of all the blame being focused on one parent? Why don’t the pundits ever acknowledge the fact that single parents have certain advantages that two parent homes don’t? Why aren’t we helping those single parents struggling to raise their kids by providing them with what they need for raising a successful child?

In order to open up a dialogue about the topic, I want to dispel the myths.

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Should You Stay Married for the Sake of the Kids?

Healthy Couples to Model

Relationships tend to be great in the beginning. Getting along is usually a lot easier when you first get together with someone. After all, there are less dynamics to deal with when you only have two people in a relationship. However, as relationships mature, more responsibilities are added and a couple becomes a family. This expands the number of challenges you have to face, changing the dynamics of the relationship.

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Unlucky in Love?

Do you feel stuck, frustrated, Unlucky in Love?

Do you feel stuck, frustrated, and at a loss when it comes to dating? Does it seem like you can never seem to find, then cultivate the right relationship for you? One that makes you happy, one that lasts?
Don’t despair. You’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to I’m Elizabeth Overstreet and I am a relationship investigator. I’m here to help you on your journey to finding and maintaining a healthy, happy relationship.

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